Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Right Edge

This, of course, is the Atlantic edge of America: Folly Beach, S.C. Can't wait to see the "left edge" of America. By the way, Connie's stickers on the back window are "Carolina Girl" and "Semper Fi."
Here's one thing I'll miss when I'm away: Charles Towne Landing, where my buddy, Wally the alligator, resides. There he is, swimming behind the "Caution: Alligators" sign. Clever, isn't he?

(For those of you who are new to my blogs, I have a "thing" for alligators. I don't want one as a pet, and I keep a healthy distance from them, but I just view them as the perfect example of being exactly what God made you to be and being happy in it.)

Our Itinerary

Here's the route:

The points on the map are where we're trying to get to each day: Memphis on Friday, Amarillo on Saturday, Kingman on Sunday and Connie and Josh's door on Monday morning. It's what we're shooting for anyway -- roughly 700 miles each day with about 350 on the final leg.

We're taking I-40 based on advice from both Josh and Andy. They've both made the trip, so we trust them. Specific advice: Josh said there's a steakhouse in Amarillo that's the best in the world. We'll need to call him before we get there and see if he can remember the name. Andy said we should time it so we're going through New Mexico during the daytime to catch the beautiful scenery. Excellent advice on both counts.

We leave Friday morning at about 4:30 a.m. -- yes, there is a 4:30 that happens in the morning. Who knew?